Tea Health

5 Benefits of Rising Early

Written by Sarita Merlo | Mar 25, 2021 8:00:00 PM

There is some truth to the statement that the “early bird catches the worm”. Living in tune with nature's rhythms and cycles can set you up for a more productive and energetic day as well as reduce stressful habits.  When we rise and set with the sun, we find ourselves getting quality sleep at night and waking with less effort and it allows for a more productive use of our time. Our bodies are set to live by nature’s timer. We are offered sunlight for times when our bodies and brains are meant to be more active, and darkness when it is time to slow down and rest, so our bodies can rejuvenate for the following day. 


Rising with the Sun has the Following Benefits-:

  1. Starting the Day with your Favourite Self-Care Ritual. Rising with the sun around 5am means that you can use this time for self-care by drinking a tea, practising meditation or doing exercise you enjoy. This wakes the mind and body and gets you focussed and prepared for the day ahead.

  1. Starting the Day with Gratitude. Watching the Sunrise can be a great opportunity to welcome the day ahead with gratitude and help you to feel positive and energised throughout the day.

  1. Helps Set up Proper Meal Times for Optimal Energy. If we rise early, we tend to eat earlier meals throughout the day. It is better for digestion to eat dinner early in the evening so your body can digest food well and so that you can rise without feeling sluggish from eating late the night before.

  1. Assists in Getting a Good Night’s Sleep. If you are waking at 5am, practicing self-care, and eating at proper meal times your body will naturally be ready to wind down as the sun goes down. Getting a good night’s sleep is important for being energised and mentally focussed the following day.

  1. Helps your Body to Tune into Daily Rhythms & Cycles. Our bodies have natural rhythms throughout the day as follows-:

2am: The brain becomes more active. 

10am: Our bodies are meant to be more physically active and digestion is strongest.

2pm: Our bodies are in a stronger mental energy cycle.

6pm: Our minds and bodies naturally want to slow down.

If we rise and set with the sun, it is easier to fall into a natural flow with these cycles and utilise the energy that is naturally available.


Sarita x