Tea Health

5 Reasons to Drink Cooling Iced Teas This Summer!

Written by Sarita Merlo | Jan 9, 2022 8:00:00 PM

There is no better way to beat the summer heat than with a cooling and refreshing iced tea.

Many people turn to drinks that are loaded with sugar- such as soda, juices and energy drinks. I am offering a much healthier solution that can be really delicious and it is Byron Bay Tea Company iced teas. These are the ones that are made from scratch at home- not those that are bottled up and full of sugar.


1. It’s Tastier than Water

For many of us, drinking plain old water all the time can be pretty boring. We all know that good health requires good hydration- especially in Summer- but water alone doesn’t titillate the taste buds too much does it? Adding all-natural ingredients such as fruits, tea and herbs to water can infuse water with flavour and a bit of nutritional oomph, turning ho-hum H20 into a truly tasty and healthy beverage.


2. Better Hydration

Adding plants to water can help to increase hydration, for example, Chamomile and Peppermint. Even the tea leaf(Green, Black, White and Oolong) that is slightly caffeinated will keep you more hydrated than water - debunking the myth that caffeinated beverages will dehydrate you. Good hydration is essential for health as it helps to maintain proper organ function; prevents constipation, muscle spasms and headaches; flushes toxins out of the body; keeps energy levels up, and keeps food cravings at bay. You cannot overestimate the importance of water to your health, given that the human body is more than 50% water!


3. Wide-range of Health Benefits from Herbal Teas

Herbs can have wide-ranging health benefits. For example, Ginger Zing contains Lemongrass that is detoxifying and Ginger that can help by improving peripheral circulation or easing nausea; Immunity contains Lemon Myrtle and Eucalyptus that helps to boost the immune system and fight infection, and Tummy Tone contains Peppermint and Licorice to help soothe the tummy, support the adrenals and satisfy a sweet tooth.


4. Potent Anti-oxidant Benefits from the Tea Leaf

With Summer comes the sun’s harmful and damaging UV radiation. Counteracting these effects by drinking tea (Green, Black, White and Oolong) will allow for their powerful antioxidants, known as polyphenols, to reduce free radical damage and improve overall antioxidant activity.


5. Green Tea Increases Metabolism

Green Tea can increase metabolism and help you feel ready to adorn that new summer swimsuit. Research has shown that drinking 3-5 cups of green tea a day inhibits the bodies glucose absorption into fat cells and work to stabilize these glucose levels, reducing overall appetite and working to prevent dramatic insulin spikes- an especially common by-product of sugary sodas.


Download our free Iced Tea Recipe booklet here.