Tea Health

5 Tips to Boost Breast Milk Production

Written by Sarita Merlo | Mar 26, 2019 2:46:39 AM

Tired? Stressed? Worn-out? No milk?

Becoming a new Mum can be a huge transition and made a whole lot more difficult by not being able to keep up with the feeding demands of a new bub. Having a hungry bub and not producing is not fun and causes a lot of stress for many breastfeeding women.

Byron Bay Tea Company’s NURSING tea has been created to help increase the breast milk production in women with a low supply. Creating harmony between Mum & bub during breastfeeding is key and this specialised formula will help to achieve this. The key herb in this formula is Goat’s Rue- a potent galactagogue. This has been carefully blended with some milder galactagogue & nutritive herbs including Nettles, Alfalfa, Aniseed and Fennel seeds. A sprinkling of Lemon Balm finishes this blend off with its gentle nervine tonic action to help induce a sense of calm in Mum and bub.

Whilst I had no difficulty in this department breastfeeding my little 18 month old boy Sam, I did notice that at times my breast milk production would be significantly reduced. I paid close attention to when the supply was reduced and have come up with my top tips to boost milk supply-:

1. Hydrate

Drinking plenty of water is key in producing enough breast milk for your bub. It makes sense right- intake and output needs to increase when you are hydrating another body also. I would always have a glass of water at every feed.

2. Adequate Calorie Intake

Ensure that you eat enough! Whenever I was rushing around and not taking the time to eat, my breast milk supply would be reduced. I found snacking often helped me tackle this problem and having things that are easy to access without too much time preparation, for example, fruit (bananas, apples, pears, berries), nuts & seeds, hummous and crackers. There are many foods that are believed to increase breast milk production. The only one that I found really made a difference was oats so I would always have porridge in the mornings.

3. Nurse, Nurse, Nurse!

The more you nurse, the more it stimulates your body to produce more milk.

4. Adequate Sleep & Stress Management

This is a challenging one for most Mums to achieve, but from my experience, the more I was buzzing around or the more Sam would wake at night, the less milk I would produce. Trying to manage this as much as possible is important for adequate milk production.

5. And of course Herbs!

There are so many wonderful galactagogues that have been used by breast-feeding women throughout history. The Byron Bay Tea Company Nursing formula is a specialised blend to assist women with low supply and support Mum and bub through a difficult transition.

I hope the above tips help, happy breast feeding!

Shop the nursing collection here
