Tea Health

5 Top Tips for Those in Lockdown

Written by Sarita Merlo | Aug 13, 2021 1:45:05 AM

1. Create a Routine

Having some structure to the day and getting out of your pyjamas is a must! Getting dressed and into your clothes as though you are going off to work in the mornings (even though you are house-bound!) can create a good mindset for the day with a more productive and positive outlook.


2. Set a Goal Each Day

Give yourself a goal each day. Having something to aim for will give you a purpose, and mini-goals are particularly great in giving yourself a confidence boost. It could be something like cooking a meal for whoever you live with, sorting out your wardrobe, going for a walk or challenging yourself to try something new (a language, a new recipe, meditation, gardening, art). Whatever you do will give you a sense of achievement and will also be beneficial to your body/brain.


3. Eat Well

I am all about a whole foods diet that is organic, unrefined and balanced with good quality protein, fats and complex carbohydrates and high in vitamins and minerals. Being home all day; having a slower pace and dealing with higher levels of stress, are all factors that can lead to more emotional eating with poor food choices and over-consumption. Focussing on the senses other than taste for self-care- to help you relax and unwind in other ways is important. Activities such as putting on your favourite music, burning your favourite candle or having a bath can be a great alternative to reaching for food.


4. Boost Immunity

If ever there was a time to fortify your health and ensure that your immune system is in tip-top shape, it is NOW! My favourite nutrients to support Immunity are Zinc and Vitamin C and my favourite teas are Immunity and Fortify. Wrapping your hands around a rich and decadent chocolatey brew can’t be too difficult right – especially with the cooler temperatures! And, don’t forget to add lots of Ginger and Garlic to your cooking to help fend off any bugs that try to take a hold and keep your Nana’s chicken soup recipe handy in case you need that extra TLC when you have a little sniffle. Keep in mind that we have a Winter Immune Recharge Program that is free to download with every purchase of our Immune Recharge Gift Collection.  This beauty contains my top 4 teas for winter- Immunity, Fortify, Ginger Zing and Chai.


5. Be Mindful in Everything You do

The slower pace can give you an opportunity to slow down and make the most of this time to be mindful in everything you do.

You can practise this by-:

Eating mindfully

Walking mindfully

Observing the breath

Connecting to the senses

Listening wholeheartedly

Getting lost in doing things you love

And of course... MAKING A CUP OF TEA!


Enjoy & Take Care,

Sarita x