Tea Health

Cancer and Phytonutrients

Written by Sarita Merlo | Mar 26, 2019 2:28:18 AM

I went to a seminar on the Integrative treatment of cancer a couple of weeks ago. Green tea was one of the therapeutic phytonutrients, along with Tumeric and Resveratrol, that starred on the day- due to their potent antioxidant actions.

From all the research put forward, higher antioxidant status was associated with better clinical outcomes for those undergoing cancer treatment. These patients had-:

  • - Reduced toxicity
  • - Fewer days spent in hospital
  • - Fewer infections
  • - Improved quality of life
  • - Fewer dose reductions
  • - Less delay in chemotherapy schedule

Resveratrol induces tumour suppressor genes; Curcumin (from Tumeric) decreases mediators of cell growth and Green Tea causes cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis in cancer. What amazing actions we have from these plants!

So, how much green tea do we need to have this action? It is believed that 4 teaspoons daily is effective and using a Green tea that is pesticide free and high quality will be more beneficial. If you would like to know more go to www.byronbayteacompany.com.

(Disclaimer: Please note that the above is for discussion purposes only and that that if an integrative approach is sought for cancer treatment, it is recommended that this be done under the guidance of a Doctor and Naturopath)