Tea Health

Sarita's Top 4 BBTC Teas for Stress Support

Written by Sarita Merlo | Apr 8, 2022 2:12:55 AM

To follow on from our recent discussion around nervous system stress, I wanted to get a list of my favourite BBTC teas to you- that help support someone in times of stress. We know that coffee and alcohol are a “no” in times of stress but it’s so important to have some beverage alternatives to not only enjoy drinking but also to benefit the body. Read on to find out more.

Byron Bliss Collection

Long, stressful periods and sleep deprivation can hamper your enjoyment of the sweeter things in life. Give your nervous system what it needs with Sarita’s Top 4 teas for Stress Support all bundled together in the Byron Bliss Collection. Containing Energy, Calming, White and Tummy Tone (140 cups of tea) for only $54.95


1. Calming

An exquisite, soothing evening tea combining Chamomile and Passionflower with Vanilla bean and Cinnamon. The perfect way to relax and unwind at the end of a long, stressful day. Pure bliss.


2. Tummy Tone

A deliciously sweet peppermint and licorice blend that’s particularly beneficial after meals to settle the tummy or satisfy your sweet tooth. Licorice is a key herb in this blend as it helps to tonify the adrenals that are often overworked in times of stress.


3. Energy

Brighten your day with this clean, balanced and lively infusion of Green tea, Siberian Ginseng, Gotu Kola and mixed berries. A perky and delightful tea to pick you up in the morning when energy levels are low. A perfect alternative to coffee!

Green tea is a key ingredient in Energy along with Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) a much-loved adaptogen. Read more about the healing power of these phytonutrients below.


4. White

Pai Mu Tan is a delicate and refreshing tea that is derived from the young, silvery leaves of the tea plant during early spring. It contains a high level of antioxidants, is lower in caffeine than other tea and comes with a broad range of health benefits. Sweet floral and nutty aromas complement the smooth yet mild flavour, making this an enjoyable refreshment any time of the day.
Ingredients- White Tea (Camellia sinensis)


The amino acid L-theanine & The Nervous System

The amino acid L-theanine, found in the tea plant (Green and White tea listed above) has been known to have a profound effect on the nervous system. Theanine is absorbed by the small intestine and crosses the blood-brain barrier where it influences the “feel-good” neurotransmitters of the brain (serotonin and dopamine). This in turn increases the alpha brain-wave activity and has the effect of producing a calmer, yet more alert, state of mind. White and green tea (in our Energy blend) is a great option in periods of high stress especially when you are making an effort to keep your caffeine consumption low.

Adaptogens & The Nervous System

Siberian ginseng, a key ingredient in Energy, has been recognised in Asia for thousands of years as an energy-boosting tonic. Ginseng is used as an "adaptogen"- a herb that increases the body's general resistance to all types of stress. It works by increasing the supply of oxygen to all cells in your body, thereby improving your alertness and endurance.