Tea Health

Thinking for Yourself

Written by Sarita Merlo | Oct 29, 2020 3:26:39 AM

THINKING FOR YOURSELF is a skill that needs to be developed and nurtured- a really important skill to have right now in these times of change. Check out these tips I have below to help enrich your life by truly believing in your ideas, thoughts and opinions on big issues, rather than taking on those that are shaped by those around you. Developing this skill can help to remove fear and empower you to live the life that you want to live. So, here it goes-:

1. Expend Energy- Make a concerted effort to exert yourself mentally to think freely and delve a little deeper to wrestle with ideas outside of your comfort zone.

2. Feed Your Mind- with knowledge through reading widely, discussing, and taking classes (and robust, well intentioned arguments!) as this challenges you and helps broaden your horizons so that you can go beyond your habitual patterns of thought.

3. Practise Humility- A biased and subjective mind is limited in its capacity, and narrows your scope; so stay open to those ideas that you would otherwise block or reject.