Tea Health

Top 3 BBTC Teas for Winter

Written by Sarita Merlo | Mar 26, 2019 2:17:10 AM

As the days get shorter, the nights get longer and a chilly winter sets in, we need to adjust our lifestyles to match the natural rhythm of a different season. Winter is the season for “storage” in Chinese Medicine. It is the storage of winter that allows for the aliveness of Spring. It is the storage of Qi, Blood, Yin, and Yang that is important and this is done by using an appropriate diet for the cooler seasons, as well as modifying our lifestyle in other ways.

In winter, the water element predominates which corresponds to our kidneys and bladder. To strengthen the water energy and keep the body in balance it`s important to keep warm. What better way is there to do this than to have a warming cuppa! Whilst all warm fluids in the form of teas and herbal teas are beneficial because they help to increase urine flow in the kidneys- there are some that are more beneficial than others.

I have my 3 winter favourites listed below, along with their healing benefits-:

1. Ginger Zing

Lemongrass & Ginger

Cleanse and uplift with lemongrass, while enjoying the piquant and revitalising properties of ginger. Charged with chasing away the winter sniffles, this old-time favourite helps to warm you up in winter and is particularly delicious with a touch of local Byron Bay honey.

Ingredients - Lemongrass*, Ginger* *Certified Organic

Ginger Zing is particularly beneficial in Winter because it-:

  • - Improves circulation to peripheral areas 
  • - Supports general cleansing
  • - Strengthens the immune system
  • - Eases nausea & morning sickness

Shop the Ginger Zing collection here.

2. Immunity

Lemon Myrtle, Eucalyptus, Licorice & Ginger

Feeling a little stampeded by life? Revive, renew and revitalise with this unique blend of Eucalyptus, Echinacea, Lemon Myrtle, Licorice and Ginger- a combination of herbs to help chase away the winter sniffles. A healthy, restorative tea for busy people who want to bolster and fortify their well-being. Enjoy any time of the day, or any time if you are feeling a little run down.

Ingredients - Echinacea* Eucalyptus Lemon Myrtle* Elder Berries* Elder Flowers* Rosehips* Licorice* Ginger* *Certified Organic

Immunity is particularly beneficial in Winter because it is-:

  • - Boosts the immune system to help fight infection
  • - Reduces inflammation such as hay-fever & sinusitis
  • - Soothes a sore throat
  • - Eases nasal congestion & coughs 

Shop the Immunity collection here.

3. Chai

This unique Chai blend is a fusion of traditions, combining black tea with traditional Indian spices and some locally grown Australian ingredients. Aniseed Myrtle gives the chai an extra zing and roasted Wattleseed creates a rich and malty flavour. Particularly delicious when prepared with milk (my favourite is Bonsoy) in the traditional way and with a touch of local Byron Bay honey.Ingredients: Black tea, Cinnamon*, Licorice*, Ginger*, Cardamon, Aniseed Myrtle, Roasted Wattleseed, *certified organic 

Chai is particularly beneficial in Winter because it is-:

  • - Rich in antioxidants

  • - Eases the winter blues - Cardamon is a mood elevator

  • - Improves circulation to peripheral areas to keep you warm

  • - Supports digestion

Shop the Chai collection here.

What better way is there to support your health during winter than by keeping warm by the fire with your hands wrapped around a soothing BBTC cuppa?

Stay healthy and enjoy!