Tea Health

Walking Barefoot: Earthing

Written by Sarita Merlo | Feb 7, 2022 8:00:00 PM

I love my daily rituals as you know and one that I have started to incorporate this summer is walking barefoot on the ground, whether it be on the beach or just at home on our lawn. For me, it just feels great to be without shoes and the health benefits are wide-ranging- people across cultures have done this for years!

Essentially, it is the direct contact of our bare feet on the surface of the earth that is beneficial and we call it “grounding” or “earthing”. When your skin comes in direct contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into the body.  These electrons help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body.  The Earth is a conductor of free electrons and so are all living things on the planet, including us. The body is composed mostly of water and minerals which in combination are excellent conductors of electrons from the Earth providing there is direct skin contact or some other conductive channel for them to flow through. 

Benefits of Earthing

  • Improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders 
  • Reduces or eliminates chronic pain
  • Improves Sleep and promotes a deeper sleep
  • Increases energy and vitality
  • Lowers stress and reduces cortisol involved in the stress response
  • Normalises the body's biological rhythms
  • Thins the blood and improves blood pressure and flow
  • Relieves muscle tension and headaches
  • Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms
  • Reduces wound healing time 
  • Protects the body against potentially health disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

The easiest (and I think the most enjoyable) way is to just get outside barefoot. You could spend as little as 10 minutes to see some benefits for up to an hour. So, earthing is now added to my daily to-do list along with my morning cuppa!
