Tea Health

Winter: Top 10 Tips to Stay Healthy

Written by Sarita Merlo | Aug 7, 2023 2:56:23 PM

As the days get shorter, the nights get longer and a chilly winter sets in, we are called to adjust our lifestyles to match the natural rhythm of a different season. It probably comes as no surprise that my top tip for winter is to drink more teas and herbal teas! This is because the kidneys love good quality, warm fluids to help them function optimally. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is the time of year when the kidneys and bladder need some extra support so that we can stay healthy and well. Scroll on to find out my other top and keep in mind that you can purchase the Winter: Immune Recharge Program for $14.95 on our online store.


This is our seasonal month-long program that can be purchased for $14.95. It contains a wealth of Naturopathic information to help support you through the chilly months ahead, including many dietary, nutritional and lifestyle tips as well as some delicious recipes. There’s clearly no better time than now to be doing everything you can to boost the immune system and protect yourself from the bugs that predominate in the cooler months of the year. The aim of this program is to strengthen the immune system so that if you are exposed, your symptoms are mild and you are not bed-ridden for days! Read on to find out whether this program is for you.

In Winter you are cold, rugged up and mostly in enclosed places for longer and this increases the risk of infection. Viruses also tend to live longer in colder temperatures and lower humidity.

It's the health of our immune system that plays a very important role in determining how we can defend against invading viruses. Boosting the immune system is the focus of this program so that symptoms are mild and the infection doesn't last long.

Week 1
Dietary & Lifestyle to Support your Body in Winter.

Week 2
How to Beat the Winter Sniffles - Nutritional Support

Week 3
Low Allergy Diet to Support Immunity

Week 4
The Potent Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms

The Winter: Immune Recharge Program is $14.95 on our online store and can be downloaded via a link that we will email to you once purchased.


Includes our top 4 teas for Winter- ImmunityFortifyGinger Zing and Chai- bundled together at a discounted price of $59.95 (normally $70.80).


& The BBTC Team