Tea Health

6 Reasons why you should cleanse your Blood & Kidneys

Written by Sarita Merlo | Aug 20, 2019 3:03:58 AM

Your blood is involved in many bodily functions; ranging from transporting oxygen, hormones, sugar, fats and cells throughout the body; as well as transporting wastes that need to be eliminated via the kidneys.  The functions of the blood and kidneys are closely connected. 

The kidneys, along with the liver, help to filter toxins out of the body. Kidneys are made up of millions of small filtering units known as nephrons. These nephrons each are made up of two parts, the glomerulus and the tubule. The glomerulus allows fluids and waste products (including toxins) to pass through. Blood cells and large molecules such as proteins are too large to pass through. Filtered material passes through the tubule, where minerals are sent back to the bloodstream and waste products are removed. Filtered blood is recirculated into the body. Waste and excess fluids travel to the bladder, where they are then expelled as urine.

When your kidneys are functioning properly, they filter 180 litres of blood every day and produce one to two litres of urine on average (if consuming about 2 litres of water) They prevent waste and excess fluid from building up in cells. 

Adequate water intake is the most important ritual to keep the kidneys functioning well. I recommend approximately 2 litres daily on this detox program as it will assist the kidneys in eliminating toxins.

Benefits of Cleansing your Blood & Kidneys

Cleansing the blood and supporting the kidneys can have wide ranging health benefits, including -:

  1. Reducing skin problems like acne, blemishes and dry and unhealthy skin, all of which indicate impurities present in the blood.
  2. Blood cleansing also helps eliminate the risk of various health and skin conditions that are caused by impure blood, for example allergies, headaches and nausea.
  3. A healthy blood supply impacts major organs and their functions including the kidneys, heart, liver, lungs and lymphatic system that are all dependant on a healthy blood count.
  4. Blood cleansing is important for uninterrupted transportation of gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen to and from the lungs and the rest of the body.
  5. The blood purification process helps to regulate your body's pH value, water balance and temperature.
  6. Healthy blood contains white blood cells that help minimise blood loss from an injury and ensure a healthy platelet count.

4 Top Teas to Detox 

Herbal teas are a fantastic way to help hydrate and cleanse the body. Two of my favourite herbs to support the kidneys and cleanse the blood on a Detox include-:

  • Nettles- contain chloryphyll, vitamins and important minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium- important blood-building nutrients. The nutritive content of nettles coupled with its diuretic action means that it can help to cleanse and alkalise the blood by promoting the elimination of metabolic acid wastes via the kidneys. This is a key herb in BBTC’s Detox.
  • Dandelion root- The bitter taste of Dandelion root comes from the flavonoids that give this plant its well deserved “blood purifying” properties. These compounds work in the digestive system to increase the flow of urine and flush toxins from the system. Unlike other diuretics, dandelion contains vast amounts of potassium that restore the mineral balance in the kidneys as toxins are flushed out. This is a key herb in BBTC’s Dandylicious and Detox.

To make it easy for you I have put together the Byron T-tox pack that contains my top 4 favourite teas for Detox including the ones mentioned above to support the kidneys and cleanse the blood.

Byron T-Tox includes- Dandylicious, Green, Detox and Digest.

To find out how to apply the Teas to your Detox, check out our free Spring: Detox & Revitalise program.